In Stereo
Year: 2013 | Medium: installation (glass microspheres, LED fixtures) | Location: Highlight Gallery; San Francisco, California
Open one eye and light becomes image; open both and it becomes space. We see the world in stereo – one image with the right eye, another with the left. Our effort to resolve this disparity creates a sense of depth. We put faith in this experience because we have a history of verifying it through touch. But in rare cases, we may perceive depth in its physical absence.
Using glass microspheres to refract light, I make halos that appear to hover around their light source. But close one eye and these apparitions collapse. Due to their proximity, the mind interprets each binocular pair as a single, substantial thing. This specter is visible but not present. It is pure vision masquerading as matter.
Even a slight change in perspective can alter the appearance of a halo. Standing parallel to the glass surface, the halo is round. But as you move, it will bend, break, and invert in relation to you.

Centered, 2013 | Glass microspheres, aluminum, LED fixtures

Center (for Emmanuelle), 2013 | Glass microspheres, aluminum, LED fixture

Installation view

Well, 2013 | Glass microspheres, plate glass, wood, LED fixture

Installation view